Sarcophaga Phallosphaera barioensis
ORIENTAL - Malaysia (Sarawak)
Head: dichoptic; eyes virtually bare, separated by broad frons; frons index 0.15-0.18 (M ~ 0.17; n ~ 7); frontal stripe black; parafrontal and parafacial grey pollinose, with black setuiae, parafacial yellowish tinged; antenna blackish, AS, slightly less than 3.5x as long as AS2; gena black, grey pollinose, more or less yellowish tinged anteriorly, with numerous black hairs on more than anterior 112, yellowish white haired posteriorly, ca. 2/7 of height of eye (HE); postgena entirely with numerous yellowish white hairs; ori 10-14, lower 3-4 divergent; first row of postorbital setae regular, but other 3-4 inner rows of black setae irregular. Palpus black, slender, with black bristles and hairs. Thorax: black, grey to yellowish grey pollinose, with 3 black longitudinal stripes on scutum; propleuron bare; prostemum hairy on posterior 112; mesothoracic spiracle blackish. Chaetotaxy: ac 5--{5 (fine)+1 (strong); de 4+4; ia 1 (fine)+3; h 3;ph 2;prs I; sa 3; n 4;pa2; sc 3+1; st 1+1+1.
Wings: hyaline; epaulet blackish; basicosta yellowish; vein R1 bare; vein R.+s with row of 9-13 short setulae extending 2/3 way from basal node to r-m above; 6--13 setulae present on 2/3 way from node of veins R2+, and R.+s to r-m below; CS, slightly longer than CSs; CSs with short spines along anterior margin on basal 113. Alar squama pale brown and semitransparent on disc except basal part creamy white, fine black hairs along outer marginal ridge; thoracic squama more or less fuscous brown on disc. Halteres blackish brown.
Legs: black; fore femur with 2 rows of pd, row of long pv; fore tibia with 2 ad at base, I pd at apical 113; mid femur with numerous fine long hairs on basal 2/3 of posteroventral surface, length not more than width of femur, 3-4 ad present along median longitudina1line,3 av medially, 2-3 p-pd apically; mid tibia with I ad, I p, I pd and I pv present on apical 1/3, 2-3 short pd at basally; hind femur with row of ad, 3-4 av on apical 2/3, 3 pd and I p present apically; hind tibia with 3-4 ad on basal 2/3, 2 pd, I strong av present at apical 113, with rather long fringe developed on apical 2/3 of antero- and posteroventral surfaces. Abdomen: black, yellowish grey pollinose on tergite 3, golden pollinose on tergites 4--5, tessellate, strongly brownish or dull golden tinged on tergites 4-5; tergites 1+2-3 without median, but with I lateral mb; tergite 4 with median and 3 lateral mb; tergite 5 with row of mb; 5th sternite Y -shape with protuberance centrally; GS1 fuscous black, grey pollinose, without mb; GS2 black shining; GS1 and GS2 with numerous fine black rather long hairs.
Length: 8.5-11.5 mm.