
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
G. B. MonteithSubmitted'Focus on Cape York'. Report from the fauna subcommittee of the Entomological Society of Queensland, Brisbane
R. R. Tewari, Gaur, P., Agrawal, U. R.Submitted'White-eye' - a recessive eye color mutant in the flesh-fly Parasarcophaga ruficornis (Fabr.) (Sarcophagidae: Diptera)
R. Huybrechts, De Loof A.Submitted"In vitro" secretion of yolk polypeptides by fat body and ovaries of Sarcophaga bullata (Diptera, Calliphoridae)
J. A. MiyanSubmitted"Killer"-cell-mediated destruction of dipteran eclosion muscles
E. E. BlanchardSubmitted"Lopesimyia" un nuevo género de sarcofágido Argentino (Diptera)
J. L. d'AlmeidaSubmitted"Otomyase" em bezerro por Sarcophaga sternodontes (Towsend [sic], 1892)
D. S. SaundersSubmitted"Skeleton" photoperiods and the control of diapause and development in the flesh-fly, Sarcophaga argyrostoma
E. PokornySubmitted(IV.) Beitrag zur Dipterenfauna Tirols
J. F. McAlpineSubmitted116. Phylogeny and classification of the muscomorpha
Y. G. Verves, Khrokalo L. A.Submitted123. Fam. Sarcophagidae
V. Valenta, Podenas S.Submitted161 species of Diptera new for the Lithuaniana SSR found in 1904-1911 and 1982-1984
J. C'epelákSubmitted1ère contribution à la connaissance des tachinaires tschéques
J. F. McAlpineSubmitted2. Morphology and terminology - adults
V. Franssens, Smagghe, G., Simonet, G., Claeys, I., Breugelmans, B., De Loof, A., Vanden-Broeck, J.Submitted20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone regulate the laminarin-induced nodulation reaction in larvae of the flesh fly, Neobellieria bullata
M. Carles-Tolrá, Portela, J. L. Camaño, Pérez, J. J. Pino, R. Pérez, P.Submitted212 especies de dípteros de Galicia (NO España) (Insecta: Diptera)
G. EnderleinSubmitted22. Ordnung: Zweiflügler, Diptera
S. Pakalniškis, Podenas S.Submitted258 new to Lithuania Diptera species found in 1964-1992
G. Fraenkel, Blechl, A., Blechl, J., Herman, P., Seligman, M. I.Submitted3':5'-cyclic AMP and hormonal control of puparium formation in the fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata
S. J. Saul, Sugumaran M.Submitted4-Alkyl-o-quinone/2-hydroxy-p-quinone methide isomerase from the larval hemolymph of Sarcophaga bullata. I. Purification and characterization of enzyme-catalyzed reaction
S. Tezcan, Tezcan, F., Gülperçin, N.Submitted4000 insect species from Izmir, Turkey
J. F. McAlpineSubmitted42. Diptera
P. SpeiserSubmitted5. Cyclorhapha, Aschiza
S. MatsumuraSubmitted6000 illustrated insects of Japan Empire
Y. G. VervesSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
Y. G. VervesSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
Y. G. VervesSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
B. B. RohdendorfSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
B. B. RohdendorfSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
B. B. RohdendorfSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
B. B. RohdendorfSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
B. B. RohdendorfSubmitted64 h. Sarcophaginae
W. von BuddenbrockSubmitted??
H. SummaSubmitted[3 articles, April, May, June.]
G. K. Trofimov, Tuaev, S. M., Aliev, S. I.Submitted[A case of intestinal myiasis, caused by larvae of fly Ravinia striata F. (Diptera, Sarcophagidae)]
T. V. Makeeva, Romaniko O. M.Submitted[A case of migrating larva of the Wohlfahrtia fly in the internal eye medium with subsequent extraction of the live parasite]
L. S. ZiminSubmitted[A key to larvae of synanthropic flies of Tadjikistan.]
Y. G. VervesSubmitted[A new species of sarcophagine - Robineauella kopetdaghica sp.n. (Diptera, Sarcophagidae).]
W. Huang, Xiao S.Submitted[A preliminary report of explorations on mosquitoes and flies from Xisha Islands of China.]
S. N. MyartsevaSubmitted[About fauna and ecology of Bembicini (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Turkmenistan plain part.]
N. FordSubmitted[Address.]
V. A. BoikoSubmitted[An apple moth and its control]
I. C. NielsenSubmitted[An attack from caterpillars on a willow-fence.]
P. A. SviridenkoSubmitted[Biological observations on Dociostaurus maroccanus.]
L. S. SytenkoSubmitted[Biology of A. fuscicollis and principles of improving its effectiveness in the Primorskii krae.]
K. HoriSubmitted[Blaesoxipha laticornis unrecorded from Japan.]
B. K. CantrellSubmitted[Book Review:] Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera
A. H. Kirk-SpriggsSubmitted[Book review:] Catalogue of the Sarcophagidae of the world (Insecta: Diptera)
V. V. NikolskiiSubmitted[Causes of the migration of larvae and other problems of the biology of the Asiatic locust.]
Y. G. Verves, Zaigerman, A. G., Zrazhevskiy, S. F., Kozitskaya, A. M., Korneev, V. A., Tanskaya, T. F.Submitted[Class Insecta — insects. Cyclorrhaphous flies (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha)]
L. CaesarSubmitted[Comment on a paper on forest tent caterpillar]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith