
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. W. AndrewsSubmittedNotes on some Diptera taken in the South of Ireland
J. S. Andrews, Connelly J. W.SubmittedLesions associated with larvae of the blow-fly in the stomach of a pig
M. AndroicSubmittedContribution a l'etude de Cnethocampa pityocampa Schiff
P. J. AnduzeSubmittedBreve nota sobre miasis humanas en Venezuela
L. N. AnguloSubmittedSobre un caso de oftalmomiasis producida por larvas de Wohlfahrtia magnifica Schiner
L. N. AnguloSubmittedPrimer caso de otomiasis por Wolhfarthia [sic] magnifica descrito en España
S. Anil, Jacob, O. A., Hari, S.SubmittedOral myiasis: a case report
V. A. dos AnjosSubmittedOcorrência de muscóideos necrofágos em carcaças de vertebrados silvestres no município de Capão do Leão, RS, Brasil
J. H. Anstee, Bowler K.SubmittedOuabain-sensitivity of insect epithelial tissues
E. Anton, Niederegger, S., Beutel, R. G.SubmittedBeetles and flies collected on pig carrion in an experimental setting in Thuringia and their forensic implications
O. AokiSubmitted[Morphological and ecological studies on the organs of vision of flies]
Y. Aoki, Kubota K.SubmittedAccumulation of cadmium and induction of its binding protein in the digestive tract of fleshfly (Sarcophaga peregrina) larvae
Y. Aoki, Natori S.SubmittedActivation of a RNAase in a membrane fraction from fat body of Sarcophaga peregrina larvae by calcium
Y. Aoki, Natori S.SubmittedActivation of latent RNase in the fat body of flesh fly (Sarcophaga peregrina) larvae on pupation
Y. Aoki, Suzuki K. T.SubmittedExcretion of cadmium and change in the relative ratio of iso-cadmium-binding proteins during metamorphosis of fleshfly (Sarcophaga peregrina). -
Y. Aoki, Suzuki, K. T., Kubota, K.SubmittedAccumulation of cadmium and induction of its binding protein in the digestive tract of fleshfly (Sarcophaga peregrina) larvae
N. Aozasa, Shiraishi, H., Kobayashi, A., Sekimizu, K., Kubo, T., Natori, S.SubmittedInteraction between ATBP and DmUbc9 in the expression of the Sarcophaga lectin gene
N. Aozasa, Shiraishi, H., Nakanishi-Matsui, M., Kobayashi, A., Sekimizu, K., Kubo, T., Natori, S.SubmittedActivation of the Sarcophaga lectin gene promoter by (A + T)-stretch binding protein
M. P. AradiSubmittedConnections between defects in garbage collection and clearance and the fly fauna of Budapest
M. P. Aradi, Mihályi F.SubmittedSeasonal investigations of flies visiting food markets in Budapest
M. P. Aradi, Vincze S. S.SubmittedNyitott ürgodrii arnyekszekek legypopulacioinak vizsgalata
E. Arbit, Varon, R. E., Brem, S. S.SubmittedMyiatic scalp and skull infection with Diptera Sarcophaga: case report
M. S. Archer, Elgar M. A.SubmittedEffects of decomposition on carcass attendance in a guild of carrion-breeding flies
M. S. Archer, Elgar M. A.SubmittedFemale breeding-site preferences and larval feeding strategies of carrion-breeding Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae (Diptera): a quantitative analysis
M. S. Archer, Elgar M. A.SubmittedYearly activity patterns in southern Victoria (Australia) of seasonally active carrion insects
P. ArdöSubmittedStudies in the marine shore dune ecosystem with special reference to the dipterous fauna
M. T. Armold, Regnier F. E.SubmittedA developmental study of the cuticular hydrocarbons of Sarcophaga bullata
M. T. Armold, Regnier F. E.SubmittedStimulation of hydrocarbon biosynthesis by ecdysterone in the flesh fly Sarcophaga bullata
M. I. Arnaldos, García, M. D., Romera, E., Presa, J. J., Luna, A.SubmittedEstimation of postmortem interval in real cases based on experimentally obtained entomological evidence.
I. Arnaldos, Romera, E., García, M. D., Luna, A.SubmittedAn initial study on the succession of sarcosaprophagous Diptera (Insecta) on carrion in the southeastern Iberian peninsula
P. H. Arnaud, Jr.SubmittedA catalog of the types of Diptera in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences
P. H. Arnaud, Jr.SubmittedSarcophaga tibialis Macquart intercepted in California (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)
P. H. Arnaud, Jr.SubmittedRecords of Diptera from Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Second Paper
P. H. Arnaud, Jr.SubmittedThe entomological publications of Charles Henry Tyler Townsend [1863-1944]; with lists of his new generic and specific names
P. H. Arnaud, Jr.SubmittedHilarella hilarella (Zetterstedt) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) parasitic upon a rhaphidophorid (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae)
P. H. Arnaud, Jr., Owen T. C.SubmittedCharles Howard Curran (1894-1972)
R. H. Arnett, Samuelson, G. A., Nishida, G. M.SubmittedThe insect and spider collections of the world. 2nd edition
R. H. Arnett, Jr.SubmittedAmerican Insects. A handbook of the insects of America North of Mexico
R. H. Arnett, Jr.SubmittedAmerican insects. A handbook of the insects of America North of Mexico
E. L. ArribálzagaSubmittedIV. Diptera
E. L. ArribálzagaSubmittedDiptera
M. T. K. Arroyo, Primack, R., Armesto, J.SubmittedCommunity studies in pollination ecology in the high temperate Andes of Central Chile. I. Pollination mechanisms and altitudinal variation
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedThe peculiarities of some ecological terms in Dipterology (on the model of Sarcophagidae and Calliphoridae)
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedForming the adaptations to synanthropism on the model of Sarcophagidae and Calliphoridae (Insecta, Diptera)
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedForming the adaptations to synanthropism on the model of Sarcophagidae and Calliphoridae (Insecta, Diptera)
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedCalliphorids (Calliphoridae, Diptera) of the Ussuriysk Reservation
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedA review of species of genera Bellieriomima Rohd., Pierretia R.-D. and Arachnidomyia Town. (Diptera: Sarcophagidae, Sarcophaginae) of the Far East of Russia
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedSarcophagids (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) of the Lower Amur
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedThe role of sarcophagids (Sarcophagidae, Diptera) in of the Russian Far East ecosystems
S. D. ArtamonovSubmittedThe peculiarities of the exploitation of foot resources by two-winged flies from family Sarcophagidae (Insecta: Diptera) in the conditions of the Far East Region


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith