
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
D. Borovsky, Janssen, I., Van den Broeck, J., Huybrechts, R., Verhaert, P., De Bondt, H. L., Bylemans, D., De Loof, A.SubmittedMolecular sequencing and modeling of Neobellieria bullata trypsin: Evidence for translational control by Neobellieria trypsin-modulating oostatic factor
D. Bylemans, Borovsky, D., Hunt, D. F., Shabanowitz, J., Grauwels, L., De Loof, A.SubmittedSequencing and characterization of trypsin modulating oostatic factor (TMOF) from the ovaries of the grey fleshfly, Neobellieria (Sarcophaga) bullata
D. Bylemans, Borovsky, D., Ujvary, I., De Loof, A.SubmittedBiosynthesis and regulation of juvenile hormone III, juvenile hormone III bisepoxide, and methyl farnesoate during the reproductive cycle of the grey fleshfly, Neobellieria (Sarcophaga) bullata
D. Bylemans, Hua, Y. - J., Chiou, S. - J., Koolman, J., Borovsky, D., De Loof, A.SubmittedPleiotropic effects of trypsin modulating oostatic factor (Neb-TMOF) of the fleshfly Neobellieria bullata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
D. Bylemans, Proost, P., Samijn, B., Borovsky, D., Grauwels, L., Huybrechts, R., Van Damme, J., Van Beeumen, J., De Loof, A.SubmittedNeb-colloostatin, a second folliculostatin of the grey fleshfly, Neobellieria bullata
D. Bylemans, Proost, P., Samijn, B., Borovsky, D., Grauwels, L., Huybrechts, R., Van-Damme, J., Van-Beeumen, J., De Loof, A.SubmittedInvolvement of Neb-colloostatin, a collagen-related peptide, in early vitellogenesis of the grey fleshfly
D. Bylemans, Verhaert, P., Janssen, I., Van den Broeck, J., Borovsky, D., Ma, M., De Loof, A.SubmittedImmunolocalization of the oostatic and prothoracicostatic peptide, neb-tmof, in adults of the fleshfly, Neobellieria bullata
A. De Loof, Bylemans, D., Schoofs, L., Janssen, I., Spittaels, K., Van den Broeck, J., Huybrechts, R., Borovsky, D., Hua, Y. - J., Koolman, J., Sower, S.SubmittedFolliculostatins, gonadotropins and a model for control of growth in the grey fleshfly, Neobellieria (Sarcophaga) bullata
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith